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December 2019 - Posts
If there is an unseen emergency and you need to administer a test over more than one day, at the end of testing you should selected those students and move them to "Locked Status".  You can then "unlock" them the next day of testing so they can continue the test.

Do not score rubrics/tests until the students have "Finished" the test.

Here is a link to the related Help Section in Performance Matters:

Here is a great under 5 minute video which may help you: 

Manage Online Testing with OLA Student Admin - performancematters

Posted by Jane Daly  On Dec 06, 2019 at 10:03 AM
Go to the Performance Matters webpage under "Staff Resources" on our district site,  and you will find the link to the RICAS Released Test Items now entered in the platform.

All released Gr. 3 and Gr. 4 ELA and Math Items can now be used by teachers in the current grade, and to review results with students from the prior year.
Along with the items, I created a Test for each grade level/subject.  In this way, teacher’s can create their own tests if they just want to choose a few items, or type in the given Test number, “copy” it, then remove or add items to the test that they would like to use at that time.

Gr. 5-8 Math will be the next priority.....
Posted by Jane Daly  On Dec 06, 2019 at 10:09 AM