General Instructions: After logging on, the student's name and grade is displayed above the
standard Navigation Bar. Any blue text is a link to more information. Each PowerSchool screen
displays the same Navigation Bar explained below.

Grades and Attendance: This is the first page displayed after logging on to PowerSchool. On the left, a record of attendance for the past two weeks is displayed. Courses in which the student is registered are listed in the Course column. The teacher's name is in blue text, so it is a link parents can use to e-mail the teacher directly.. Parents must use a browser that has been configured to send e-mail to use this feature. Grades for the current quarter are displayed in blue. Clicking on the percent will display the Class Score Detail page that provides information about the assignments on which the grade is based. Absence and Tardy information for the particular class is displayed on the right side of this page. The marking period designations are:
Q1-Q4 - Quarters 1 thru 4;
R1- Midterm Exam; S1-Fall Semester Average; R2-Final Exam;
S2-Spring Semester Average (High School only)
Y1 - Final average for the year (Middle School only) |
Grades History: Clicking here displays historical grades for the current school year. These are the grades that appeared on report cards. The grade (such as 90, 80, 75, A+, B-, C) is displayed in the Grade column. The percentage is displayed in blue. Clicking on this item displays the Class Score Detail page containing the name of the teacher that assigned the grade and the period the student was enrolled in the course. |
Attendance History: Clicking on this item in the Navigation Bar displays the student's attendance record for the current quarter of school by class period. |
E-mail Notification: Parents can request that PowerSchool e-mail selected information regarding grades, attendance, or assignments on a regular basis. Parents choose which information they would like to receive via e-mail, specify how often they would like to receive PowerSchool e-mail, and supply a personal e-mail address. Clicking the Submit button is required to activate the process. |
Teacher Comments: Teachers may post comments on the screen that is displayed by clicking on this item. Notice that teacher names are displayed in blue. Click on the teacher name to send e-mail to the teacher directly. Parents must use a browser that has been configured to send e-mail to use this feature. |
Class Registration: Students and parents may use this screen to view course requests for enrollment in classes next year. This feature is only applicable to high school students. |
General Notes:
Avoid using your browser's Back button.
Click on the Apple/PowerSchool logo to return to the main screen.
Each teacher has their own grading policy for weighting assignments and categories.
Contact your child's teacher and/or guidance counselor with questions about grades and attendance.
Send email to [email protected] with questions on accessing Chariho's PowerSchool system.
The PowerSchool system is periodically shutdown for maintenance and upgrades. These typically last no longer than 30 minutes
Chariho Regional School District
Wood River Junction, Rhode Island