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When looking at schoolwide data (those with a "School Admin" or "Principal" role), be sure to filter by "School of Enrollment".

Especially useful at Ashaway, CMS, and CHS, as students from the Chariho Alternative Learning Academy may attend general education classes in these schools and be listed.

Posted by Jane Daly  On Oct 11, 2019 at 1:10 PM
For students to be able to highlight in a PDF when it is added to an Item.  In order for a passage with any length to populate with a scroll bar, add the passage as a "Resource" first.
1.  Go to "Items" - "New Resource"
2.  Change the drop down from "File" to "Edit"
3.  Paste the passage into the edit screen
4.  Format as you'd like, insert pictures individually
5.  Use the passage name as the Title, DO NOT use any "." in the Title or it will not save

The when creating the Test Item, suggested you use the "Side by Side" Template, adding the Resource on the left side, the question on the right hand side.

Posted by Jane Daly  On Oct 10, 2019 at 8:57 PM
When creating a Test Item Interaction for Gr. K &1, do not use Comic Sans MS Font , as it does not appear correctly on an IPAD
Posted by Jane Daly  On Oct 10, 2019 at 8:39 PM
The Fall 2019-2020 STAR Results are now available in Performance Matters!

You can view results for your students in the Baseball Card Report.

In Grades 3-10 in Reading, and in Gr. 3-8 in Math, by checking Percentile Rank, you can apply swatching to view the data in different ways and compare it to other data points.
Posted by Jane Daly  On Oct 10, 2019 at 1:28 PM

 Welcome back for another year of Spanish! I am looking forward to meeting my new students and seeing many familiar faces!
Kindergarteners are going to begin learning Spanish the first week of school by learning "Hola", "Amigos" and "Adiós". It may seem overwhelming to some of them at first because I will speak a lot of Spanish throughout class, but it won't be long before they are used to it and actually enjoy hearing and speaking it! 

First through fourth grade will continue their Spanish lessons as usual. In kindergarten and first grade the focus is more on listening and speaking. I start to incorporate more writing in second grade and by third grade the students will be doing some reading as well. Fourth graders will be reading the book El Capibara con Botas. Last year's fourth graders really enjoyed it!

New students who have not learned Spanish before have no need to worry. I will give them notes with the vocabulary that they missed from past years, and other students will be happy to help them with anything they don't know. It won't be long before they start picking up the language.

Feel free to email me throughout the year if you have any questions or concerns. My email address is [email protected]

Hasta pronto,
Dori Carpenter
              Spanish class

Posted by Dori Carpenter  On Jun 12, 2019 at 1:14 PM
Welcome to the Chariho Development blog. Like us on Facebook! 
Posted by Eric OBrien  On May 14, 2019 at 10:31 AM
There are two ways to address any questions a student leaves unanswered.  A new "How To" 2-page document shows the teacher "how to" resolve the issue.  it is now posted on our Performance Matters site under Assessment Resources.
Posted by Jane Daly  On Oct 28, 2019 at 8:24 AM
When creating a rubric, don't forget to also assign permissions if you want others to be able to read the rubric you created.
You can see the screenshot example below, where the creator of the rubric has rights to "read", "update" (edit), and "admin" (add/delete permissions).  We created a group called "All Test Scorers" (which includes teachers, school admin, and principals, which can now "read" or see this rubric.

rubric permission
Posted by Jane Daly  On Nov 04, 2019 at 8:53 AM
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