Information for Teachers of ELA and SS 

1) Community Engagement Sessions Planned for New Social Studies Standards

In partnership with the Rhode Island History and Social Studies Advisory Committee (RIHSSAC), RIDE has launched the development of new social studies standards K-12 education in Rhode Island. The first stage of this process is to engage with the community about social studies education and collect feedback. To that end, the RIHSSAC is working with community organizations statewide to set up virtual feedback sessions culminating in a statewide survey. RIDE has also set up three virtual sessions for educators and community members to engage in the process:

At these sessions, participants will receive an overview of the project, have opportunities to reflect about social studies education, and discuss their ideas in breakout rooms before being provided the survey link to complete. The feedback will be used to inform the first draft of the social studies standards and other supporting materials. There will also be an opportunity in early 2021 for community feedback on the draft of the standards. 

A pre-recorded presentation, the introductory slides, and the survey are posted on the RIDE website.For more information, please contact [email protected].

In 2021-2022, the Chariho Social Studies Curriculum Task Force will be reviewing and updating our SS Curriculum!

2) Write Rhode Island is Open for Submissions

RI students in grades 7-12 can submit one original work of fiction, 2500 words or less, incorporating Rhode Island in some way. Winners will be selected in February 2021 and will receive publication, prizes and awards. Visit School One's website for guidelines and a link to submit. Submitting is free.

3) RWU Law Presents: How has Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg (RBG) Inspired me?

Essay Contest.RWU Law Announces RBG Contest for K-12 Students - Rhode Island elementary, middle and high School students are invited to submit drawings, essays on how iconic U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has inspired them. Details may be found here. Contest Deadline:Friday, January 15, 2021by 5:00 PM ET. Questions may be directed to [email protected].

Posted by Jane Daly On 09 December, 2020 at 9:23 AM