Our RIDE Interim Assessment application was approved for Gr. 1-11. This means RIDE will support funding for STAR (this school year only), and in turn RIDE will be able to use our aggregate results along with results from other cities and towns in the state to assess learning during COVID.
Due to RIDE’s approval of our application, Renaissance/STAR has activated “STAR 360”. STAR 360 also includes other products and types of assessments which you are welcome to use, but arenot required to use. Please be reminded that STAR 360 (compared to what we have had in the past), will only be available this school year. Chariho’s expectation for teachers in Grades 1-11 is to administer the MOY (Jan 4– Jan 22) and EOY (Beginning in May) assessments in STAR Reading and STAR Math, and continue progress monitoring for selected students as has been done in the past. Here is a link to an updated Draft Assessment Calendar, once finalized it will be posted on the District’s Website. In addition, for Grades 1-4, we also will receive licenses for “Freckle”, again this will only be for the 2020-2021 school year. We hope these tools may provide additional resources for you during this challenging year.
Grade 11 teachers may be receiving sign-in information to create an account in the next week, and Gr. 1-4 teachers may be receiving Freckle sign-ons. If you already had a “free” Freckle account with your Chariho email address, it will “merge” any of your records. When a Gr. 1-4 student signs in to STAR, they will see a Freckle Icon.
Watch for more information in the coming weeks about related professional learning opportunities. In the meantime, on the Renaissance Platform you will see a link to “Renaissance-U”, where you can find many professional learning resources.