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Dea. Dear  Chariho Certified Staff,

The Rhode Island Right to Read Act was passed in July of 2019. This law requires ALL educators to exhibit either ”Proficiency” or  “Awareness” in the knowledge and practices of the Science of Reading and Structured Literacy.

 Pages 6 and 7 of the RIDE RI RIght to Read Act LEA Guidance identifies which staff need to exhibit “Proficiency”, and which staff need to exhibit “Awareness”.  

 Chariho has created a committee of administrators and teacher representatives to research and then select our provider(s) from the approved RIDE listing, and plan for providing this professional learning.  

 Due to the implementation of the new Gr. K-12 ELA High Quality Curriculum Materials next year, “Proficiency” training and Gr. 6-12 ELA Teacher “Awareness” training will begin no earlier than Spring 2022 or during the 2022-2023 school year.  All other certified staff who require “Awareness” training will begin in the fall of 2021.

Here are some resources and professional learning groups for further information:


From your Right to Read Act Selection Committee

Co-Chairs:  Jane Daly, Jen Durkin

Committee Members:  Stefani Anderson, Jill Burke, Mary Beth Florenz, Giuseppe Gencarelli, Dana Hall, Sandra Hanley-Stansfield, Jennifer H Krekorian, Paige Leddy, Mary Markovitz, Mary Ann Mello, Iris Ornberg, Kerry Pastore, Karen Pellegrino, Rene Rosivach, Andrea Spas, Mary Ellen Sposato, Jean Westcott

Posted by Jane Daly  On May 25, 2021 at 12:33 PM