Child Outreach is a free service sponsored by the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) and is offered through the Chariho Regional School District for all children ages 3, 4, and 5. Child Outreach provides families with information about their child's development and offers resources that are available in the community. The screening is designed to be FUN for the child and provides information on hearing, vision, speech, language, cognition, movement and social/emotional development.
Screenings are offered in a variety of locations such as: child care settings, nursery schools, Head Start programs, public school buildings or other places in your community including the town library or churches. The screening usually takes 45 minutes to complete, sometimes a little longer or shorter depending on each child's individual needs. Evening appointments are available as well. The results of the screening are confidential and sent to you in the mail. Please call the Child Outreach office for more information or to set up an appointment: 364-1160.
Please see the following link to view the: Child Outreach Screening Brochure