Human Resources

Welcome to the Human Resources Department of the Chariho Regional School District!

The goal of this department is to assist and support our employees, whether newly hired or a veteran employee.  Information about payroll, benefits, retirement, Family Medical Leave, etc. can be found on this website.  We hope you find the resources on this page to be helpful.  Feel free to reach out with questions at any time!

Verification of employment is only done via written request by fax (401-415-6076).  A signed employee's consent to release form must also be included with every request.  No information about any employee will be given over the phone.

Job openings available to the public are posted on and on this webpage under Available Positions.  Only applications on Schoolspring will be considered; no paper applications are accepted for any position.

Human Resources Administrator/Title IX Coordinator:
Kristen Merritt
455A Switch Rd
Wood River Jct, RI 02894
401-415-6076 - Fax
[email protected]