A curriculum improvement process is needed to assure that the Chariho Regional School District implements curricula which incorporate the most up-to-date, research-based instruction in a content area and which meet high standards as delineated by the Rhode Island Department of Education and other national professional organizations. Quality curriculum development is at the core of school reform. A standards-based curriculum is the foundation for quality instruction in the classroom. Curriculum is procured in one of two ways: 1) by actually writing expected outcomes and developing on-going performance assessment; 2) by purchasing a program which embodies the expected outcomes, provides strategies for teaching and learning, and provides on-going performance assessment. Depending on the abilities of school staff and the needs of the school district, either method of procuring curriculum for any content area is valid.
The School Committee is ultimately responsible for adopting curriculum for all content areas. The School Committee authorizes the Superintendent or designee to implement the following Curriculum Improvement Process.
Curriculum Improvement Process:
Ad hoc (Subject Area) Task Forces will develop standards-based curriculum in each subject area taught in Chariho. Following building-level consultation, the (Subject Area) Task Force will submit the new curriculum to the District Curriculum Planning Council, which will review and approve each subject area curriculum and make recommendations to the Superintendent. The Superintendent will assure that the new curriculum conforms with both the Chariho Strategic Plan and federal mandates, such as the Improving America's School Act and then present it for initial review in draft form to the School Committee. The new curriculum, in final form, will be brought to the School Committee for approval no sooner than the second meeting after the draft presentation. Adopted by Chariho Regional School Committee: September 25, 2001