Mar 15 2018 - 6:45pm - 9:30pm
High School Library
Chariho Regional School District, Switch Road, Wood River Junction, RI 02894
6:45 PM Executive Session - 7:00 PM Open Session - Chariho High School Library
A vote may be taken on any item on this agenda.
Note: The public is welcome to any meeting of the School Committee or its subcommittees. If communication assistance (readers/ interpreters/captions) or any other accommodations are needed to ensure equal participation, please contact the Superintendent's office at least two (2) business days prior to the meeting.
Any changes in this agenda will be posted on the school district's website ( as well as in the Chariho Administration Building at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the meeting. Individuals requesting special notice of the revised agenda must call (401) 364-7575 to make arrangements for same.
I. Meeting Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Silent Meditation
II. Motion/Vote to go into Executive Session under the authority of R.I. General Laws Section 42-46-5 (a)(1) for the purpose of discussion pertaining to an individual's job performance or character (Approval of Executive Session Minutes of February 13, 2018 - Pre-deprivation Hearings/Non-Renewal of Teacher Contracts); under the authority of R.I. General Laws Section 42-46-5(a)(4) for the purpose of discussion pertaining to any investigative proceedings regarding allegations of misconduct, either civil or criminal (Approval of Executive Session Minutes of February 13, 2018 - Investigative Proceedings/Employee Misconduct) and under the authority of R.I. General Laws Section 42-46-5(a)(8) for the purpose of reviewing and/or approving matters which relate to the privacy of students and their records (Approval of Home Instruction Request(s) and Approval of Executive Session Minutes of February 13, 2018 - Approval of Home Instruct Requests); any persons to be discussed have been so notified.
III. Closing/Sealing of Executive Session Minutes
IV. Disclosure of Executive Session Votes
V. Recognition
VI. Public Forum
VII. Policy
A. Political Activities Policy (Adoption)
B. Student Internship Program Policy (Adoption)
C. Abused and Neglected Children (Revised)
D. CHARIHOtech Application and Admission Procedures (Revised)
VIII. Business
A. Field Trip(s)
B. Braitmayer Foundation Grant
C. 2018-2019 School Committee Meeting Schedule
D. Status of Five-Year Capital Plan
E. FY19 Budget
1. Potential Adjustments to the FY19 Budget
2. Adoption of FY19 Budget
F. Resolution Supporting School Construction General Obligation Referendum
G. Resolution to Amend Article XII
H. Business/Technology Curriculum Grades 9-12
I. Current Chariho Litigation:
No. Case
1 N.C. v. Chariho Regional School District
2 Student A.M. v CRSD
3 CRSD v Rhode Island Department of Education
4 CRSD v Rhode Island Council on Elementary and Secondary Education and The Metropolitan Regional Career and Technical School
5 CRSD v State of RI through Rhode Island Department of Education, Rhode Island Department of Administration, Rhode Island Council on Elementary and Secondary Education, Commissioner of Education Kenneth Wagner, Narragansett School Committee, South Kingstown School Committee and Westerly School Committee
6 CRSD v Rhode Island Council on Elementary and Secondary Education and
Mr. and Mrs. H
7 Appeal of Commissioner's Decision re: Withholding of State Aid
8 RIDE Hearing re: Transportation to North Kingstown HS
9 Mark Zell and Beth Zell, individually and on behalf of K.Z. v. Barry Ricci, alias, Superintendent of Chariho Regional School District in his individual and official capacities, Chariho Regional School District, by and through its Superintendent, Barry Ricci, alias, Ryan Bridgham, alias, Dean of Students Chariho High School, in his individual and official capacities, Laurie Weber, alias, former principal of Chariho High School in her individual and official capacities, Jon Anderson, Esq, alias, Chariho Regional School District Attorney in his official capacity, the Chariho School Committee, by and through its Chairperson, Sylvia Stanley, alias, in her official capacity, Craig Louzon, alias, in his individual and official capacity as former Chair of the School Committee, Rachel McGinley, alias, in her individual capacity, the Rhode Island Department of Education, by and through its Commissioner, Ken Wagner, alias, Ken Wagner, alias, in his official and individual capacity, the Rhode Island Council of Elementary and Secondary Education, by and through its Chair Barbara Cottam, alias, Barbara Cottam, alias, in her individual and official capacity, John/Jane Does 1-20, and John Doe Government Entities/Bodies 1-10
10 Dorothy Gardiner, Georgia Ure, Sylvia Thompson, Paul Michaud v
Chariho School Committee, Craig Louzon, William Day, Donna Chambers, Steven Huzyk, Sylvia Stanley, Lisa Macaruso, Ronald Areglado
11 Keven Miller, Georgia Ure, Dorothy Gardiner, Sandra Johanson, Thomas Buck, Sylvia Thompson, Paul Michaud, Melania Van der Hooft v Chariho School Committee, William Day, Craig Louzon, Ronald Areglado, Amanda Blau, Robert Cardozo, Donna Chambers, Stephen Huzyk, Lisa Macaruso, Sylvia Stanley
12 Dorothy Gardiner, Georgia Ure v Chariho School Committee, Craig Louzon, Ryan Callahan, Donna Chambers, Lisa Macaruso, Catherine Giusti, Ronald Areglado
13 Personal Injury Claim Due to Alleged Negligence
IX. Consent Agenda Items
A. Minutes
B. Transfers
C. Bill Review
D. Budget Summary
E. Treasurer's Report
F. Personnel Actions
G. Permission to Issue Bids/Request Quotes
H. Permission to Award Contracts
I. Home Instruction
J. Grants
K. Donations
X. Reports
A. Subcommittee Reports
1. RYSE School Building Committee
2. Health and Wellness Subcommittee
B. Superintendent's Report
1. Transportation Registration
2. New Career & Technical Tuition Formula
3. National School Walkout Guiding Principles
4. Kindergarten Registration - March 14 and March 15 (10 AM to 6 PM); March 17 (10 AM to 4 PM)
5. ARTESSY - March 16 (4:30 to 9:00 PM); March 17 (10 AM to 4 PM)
C. Coming Events
XI. School Committee Requests for Future Agenda Items or Legal Opinions
XII. Adjournment - Future Meetings:
Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - SC Meeting - 7:00 PM - High School Library
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 - All Day Referendum on Budget
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 - SC Meeting - 7:00 PM - High School Library
Posted March 12, 2018
Office of Secretary of State Website
Chariho Website
Chariho Administration Building Foyer
Superintendent's Office
Charlestown, Richmond, Hopkinton Town Halls