Curriculum Improvement Process - Subject Area

(Subject Area) Task Forces:

(Subject Area) Task Forces will be created, as necessary, according to the Five-Year Cycle for Curriculum Revision. One teacher from each grade level affected by the targeted curriculum will serve on the task force. As appropriate, subject area specialists and facilitators may be used. Parents and students will also serve on these Task Forces. The District Curriculum Planning Council will provide guidance in regards to the membership of these Task Forces. (Subject Area) Task Forces will be convened only in the years when curriculum study/production, piloting and implementation are necessary.

Building Curriculum Facilitator:

A Curriculum Facilitator will be assigned to each building. The Facilitator will be responsible for the facilitation of building-level curriculum review, curriculum evaluation, curriculum implementation and curriculum-related professional development.

NOTE: Teachers will be selected for these positions (District Curriculum Planning Council, Task Forces, Building Facilitators) through the posting process. Teachers will be compensated for hours worked beyond the regular school day.

Curriculum Cycle

A curriculum cycle will be established and annually updated by the District Curriculum Planning Council. This cycle will provide for on-going revision of curriculum based upon an evaluation of the current program. A revision of a curriculum will necessitate purchasing improved instructional material for the new curriculum and providing professional development for staff to implement the new curriculum.

NOTE: It is expected that the School Committee, in developing future budgets, will create a line item each year for district-wide systemic curriculum reform. Schools will no longer need to purchase curriculum materials in these areas except for increased student population and for supplementary materials to support diversified, handicapped, or other at-risk student population unique to the school.