Implement: This phase of the process describes the time when the new curriculum will be put into place and used.
Notes: This five-year plan is a “working” plan in which flexibility is required. Adjustments to this plan will be allowed with the approval of the District Curriculum Planning Council.
Responsibilities of Committees
- monitor the results of local and state assessments and make recommendations to school and district leaders
- evaluate subject area programs and recommend to the appropriate (Subject Area) Task Force whether or not curriculum revision is necessary
- monitor the curriculum improvement process and approve deviations from the revision schedule
- make curricula recommendations to the Superintendent.
The (Subject Area) Task Forces will meet according to the five-year rotation schedule. The Task Forces will be responsible for:
- revising and developing curriculum (following curriculum cycle) according to pre-established format
- monitoring implementation of curriculum
- selecting new curriculum materials that reflect curriculum content
- designing a comprehensive district-wide professional development plan for the respective curriculum area.
At the high school level only, a specific teacher not on the (Subject Area) Task Force may be selected to write an individual course for which no member of the Task Force has the appropriate content knowledge.